Tuesday, February 15, 2011

With Love's Greeting

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and while it's not my favorite holiday I have had fun creating vintage Valentine crafts and baking Valentine treats. I began my fun-filled Valentine weekend Friday night. I baked sweetheart cupcakes for my sweetheart while watching "A Charlie Brown Valentine."  I got the super cute cupcake wraps and picks at The Dollar Tree.

His and hers cupcakes. The background image on "A Charlie Brown Valentine" is perfect, and totally unplanned, I promise it was a complete accident. Isn't it handy having a television in the kitchen? Love it.

Anyone that loves to bake, especially cupcakes, needs one of these Wilton cupcake pans with a lid. My boyfriend's mom and dad got it for me for Christmas. I adore it.
On Saturday my boyfriend and I traveled to a really great Flea Market in London, Kentucky where I got the family dog, Annie, some really cute homemade doggie treats. Don't worry, everything is made with dog friendly carob. She loves to lick the carob icing off the treats. She's spoiled rotten. :)

After we left the flea market we went to a local Vendor's Mall where I saw tons of great antiques, but opted out of buying myself anything because I was shopping for others for Valentine's Day. I noticed at walmart you could buy really cute Valentine's Day bags for 4 or 5 dollars and those really cute bags weren't in my budget. The Dollar Tree was already wiped out of Valentine themed bags so I simply purchased two plain bags on the cheap and decided I would oomph them up at home. 

For my mamaw's gift bag I got a simple pink bag with white handles. These cost one or two dollars depending on the size. The heart tissue paper I picked up for a dollar was really cute, but not enough embellishment for me. This project gave me the perfect opportunity to play with mom's Christmas gift, a Cricut. I bought her a holiday themed cartridge for Christmas. From that cartridge called "Celebrate With Flourish" I cut the layered "Happy Valentine's Day" message in pastel textured paper. My mamaw loves kittens so I cut a kitten with a heart in its mouth from the cartridge called "Four Legged Friends" from the same textured paper. Here's the end result.

Don't tell, but this is mamaw's Valentine gift. It's the softest little puppy imaginable. I hope she likes it. I think she will. :)

 Poor Todd... he won't get his Valentine's Day gift until we receive our tax return, but I think he will be okay waiting considering there will be some pretty cool technology involved. Although I didn't have much money to spend this year I still wanted to buy my parents a little something. The gifts inside the bag will remain a secret since mom reads my blog and while it isn't much it's the thought that counts and they deserve something since they help me so much. I got a larger bag to hold both gifts and it was another cheap bag with stripes. Pretty, but also pretty plain. I was finished with the Cricut for the day so I pulled out some heart doilies I had on hand and used the same cupid image I put on my 3D image box earlier this year. Again I printed the cupid on textured paper and cut him out with an X-Acto knife. I put a hint of glitter on his wings and glued him to the layered heart doilies. I simply glued the entire image to the front of the striped bag. Here's the end result.

Happy Valentine's Day! My gifts are all packed up and ready to go. For those of you wondering why I have Sarah Jessica Parker hanging on my wall... it's an autographed photo a friend got for me a few years back. My friend works in the movie industry and I'm a huge "Sex and the City" fan so he hooked me up. It's even personalized to me. :)

Last, but not least, I spent part of today baking a Valentine treat for my parents. I made cupcakes for my sweetie, but for my parents I opted for a cake. Both were simple Valentine Funfetti cakes (Yay, Pillsbury for your themed Funfetti cakes!) but both were personalized in different ways. What screams Valentine's day more than hearts? Mom had a heart cake pan in her array of cooking and baking devices so I braved my first ever layer cake. I simply love to bake, not much on cooking, but I love to bake so even I found it surprising that I had never made a layer cake before. I had some trouble with one of the layers sticking inside the pan. I guess I got in a hurry and didn't properly grease the pan, but I had a strict agenda that I needed to get all Valentine projects finished well before the start of the Grammy's. I am an absolute dork over award shows. I love them. The Academy Awards are my favorite, followed by the Golden Globes, then the Emmy's...etc. The Grammy's, while not my favorite, are a lot of fun. I watch nearly every award show that is broadcast, even the Tony's. There's something old-fashioned about award shows that I love... anyway... I've gone off on an award show tangent that has nothing to do with Valentine's Day so let's get back to the cake. After the small sticking cake mishap I was able to get the cake layered and crudely decorated, but I'm sure it will taste divine!

Unfortunately I had mishap number two. The cake plate lid doesn't fit around the cake which is extremely frustrating because I measured, but every time I tried to put the lid on, it scraped the edges. Oh well. That's why they make toothpicks and plastic wrap, but hopefully after we eat a few pieces after dinner the lid will fit. :)
It's not quite Valentine's Day yet, but I wanted to complete everything today so I wouldn't have to do so much on the actual holiday. I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day whether or not you have a sweetheart to share it with. I've always thought there was too much emphasis on couples during Valentine's Day, but I always make a point to recognize family and friends as well. Don't be depressed if you're single, embrace that single-dom and have fun! Spend VDay with your family, friends, or sweet little furbabies. It doesn't have to be a couple's holiday anymore. Just get out there and make it your own!

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